This Spring, Assess Whether Your AC Unit Could Use Repairs

When the first warm day arrives, it's so nice to be able to turn on your air conditioning and enjoy a cooler, more comfortable home. Many homeowners simply set the thermostat to "cool" and don't think much more about it. However, it is a good idea to pay closer attention the first time or two that you run your AC each spring. If you notice any of these problems or behaviors, your AC unit could probably use some repairs. [Read More]

Some Of The Early Warning Signs That HVAC System Replacement May Be Near

HVAC systems can cost thousands of dollars. As such, many homeowners want to know what to look for when their HVAC system is approaching the end of its life. This gives a homeowner time to budget and save for an HVAC system replacement. Here are a few of the early warning signs that may indicate that HVAC system replacement may be on the horizon.  Your HVAC System is 15 Years Old or Older [Read More]

What To Know About Geothermal Heating And Air

If you are looking for an environmentally-friendly and efficient way to heat and cool your home, it's time to take a closer look at geothermal systems. Geothermal heating and air use the earth's consistent temperature to maintain comfortable conditions inside your home. These systems absorb heat in the winter and reject it during the hotter summer. If you are unsure if a geothermal system is suitable for your home, here's what to know. [Read More]

Cooling Costs, AC Repair, And Other Ways To Lower Your Energy Usage

How can you save money on home cooling costs? From AC repair to new installation, take a look at the top questions and answers about HVAC services and lowering your utility bills. How Much Should It Cost To Use Your Air Conditioner? You may want to know if your monthly electricity bills are unnecessarily high. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, six percent of all the electricity the U.S. produces goes to AC use. [Read More]