Cooling Costs, AC Repair, And Other Ways To Lower Your Energy Usage

How can you save money on home cooling costs? From AC repair to new installation, take a look at the top questions and answers about HVAC services and lowering your utility bills.

How Much Should It Cost To Use Your Air Conditioner?

You may want to know if your monthly electricity bills are unnecessarily high. According to the U.S. Department of Energy, six percent of all the electricity the U.S. produces goes to AC use. While air conditioning can account for a significant portion of your monthly utility bill, you won't find one universal expected price for cooling-related energy costs.

The amount of money it costs to use an air conditioner depends on the type of system (central, mini-split ductless, or window units), the outdoor temperature, the humidity level, the age of the AC system, the AC's overall efficiency, damage/wear and tear to the system, your home's insulation (this includes entry doors and windows), the thermostat, and your comfort preferences.

Will AC Repair Services Lower Your Energy Bills?

The answer to this question depends on the system. If you have a new air conditioner that cools your home evenly and has no noticeable problems, it's unlikely that it needs repair. But this doesn't mean you shouldn't schedule an AC service. Routine maintenance is necessary to maintain your system's efficiency and prevent issues before they grow from minor to major. Routine maintenance should include periodic filter changes or cleaning (depending on the type of filter) and pre- or post-season inspection and cleaning services from an HVAC professional.

If your system is older, has signs of wear, doesn't cool your home well, cycles off and on constantly (short-cycling), makes odd noises, has a strange odor, doesn't remove the humidity from the air, or your electricity bills recently skyrocketed, it's time to schedule air conditioning repair services. 

Some types of AC damage or wear and tear can strain a system and force it to work harder. Whether your system won't turn off, never reaches a cool temperature, or stays on for longer times than normal just to keep your house mildly cool, it's time to call a professional. An HVAC contractor can inspect the system, diagnose problems, and repair the complex components of your air conditioner. 

Will A New Installation Lower Your Energy Bills?

Again, the answer to this question also depends on a few factors. A brand-new or newer high-efficiency system should not increase your energy bills. If it does, it's likely that the air conditioner needs a repair and not a replacement. 

If you have an older AC system, a new installation may help you to save money on the cost of electricity. High-efficiency AC systems and units can potentially reduce your home's energy use.

For more information, contact a company like Ecology Air Innovations.
