Noises That Could Indicate Your Heating System Is In Need Of Repair

A common reason heating repair companies get calls for help is when a furnace starts making odd noises. New noises, loud noises, and weird noises are all possible signs of furnace trouble, so it's always a good idea to call for help if the sounds can't be silenced with simple DIY fixes.

For instance, tightening screws in the furnace panel or changing the air filter might eliminate some types of noises. Here are some common furnace noises and the repairs that might be needed to quiet them.

Scraping Or Squealing From The Blower Fan

The blower fan kicks on when your furnace turns on because the blower is what pushes heated air through the ducts. A blower spends a lot of time running, so it's possible that parts will get worn or loose. A sign of a loose blower might be a scraping noise or the sound of metal rubbing against metal. A bad blower motor belt might start screeching and bad bearings in the motor could screech or rattle.

The repairs for blower problems could include cleaning the blower, tightening the blower, replacing a mount that's broken, replacing a belt, and lubricating bearings.

Ducts That Ping Or Pop

If you hear popping or pinging noises when the furnace turns on, but the sounds are not close to your furnace, it could be the ducts. The rapid heating of cold metal ducts can cause them to make popping noises. This shouldn't be a normal occurrence, so when it happens, try to figure out why.

To stop the noise, you might need to correct anything that's obstructing airflow. Try changing the air filter and opening the registers and dampers all the way. If that doesn't help, you may need to call a heating repair company to figure out the problem and provide a repair solution.

Loud Bangs That Come From The Furnace

If you hear loud pops and bangs coming from the furnace, that's a different situation, and it's more serious. If you hear a bang when your gas furnace first turns on, that could indicate the burners aren't igniting right away and gas accumulates and ignites all at once in a type of mini-explosion. This reaction causes vibrations that might damage your furnace, so you should call a heating repair service right away. You may even want to turn the furnace off until the repair technician has arrived to handle the situation.

Your furnace won't be completely silent as it operates, but you'll be able to distinguish between normal operating sounds and new sounds that could indicate problems. Have new noises checked by a heating repair technician because they could indicate trouble with your furnace that will escalate if you don't have repairs done right away. For additional information, contact a heating repair service
